| cDirectionalLight (cWorld *a_world) |
| Constructor of cDirectionalLight. More...
virtual | ~cDirectionalLight () |
| Destructor of cDirectionalLight. More...
void | setDir (const cVector3d &a_direction) |
| This method sets the direction of the light beam. More...
void | setDir (const double a_x, const double a_y, const double a_z) |
| This method sets the direction of the light beam. More...
cVector3d | getDir () const |
| This method returns the direction of the light beam. More...
| cGenericLight (cWorld *a_world) |
| Constructor of cGenericLight. More...
virtual | ~cGenericLight () |
| Destructor of cGenericLight. More...
void | setUseTwoSideLightModel (bool a_useTwoSideLightModel) |
| This method enables or disables the two sided lighting mode. More...
bool | getUseTwoSideLightModel () const |
| This method returns true if the two sided lighting mode is enabled, false otherwise. More...
void | setDisplayEnabled (bool a_enabled) |
| This method enables or disables the graphic representation of light source. (To be used for debugging purposes). More...
bool | getDisplayEnabled () const |
| This method returns true of graphic display representation of the light source is enabled, false otherwise. More...
void | setGLLightNumber (const GLint a_glLightNumber) |
| This method sets the OpenGL Light ID number. Assigning these numbers is normally handled by the world in which the light source is located. More...
GLint | getGLLightNumber () const |
| This method returns the OpenGL Light ID number for this light source. More...
| cGenericObject () |
| Constructor of cGenericObject. More...
virtual | ~cGenericObject () |
| Destructor of cGenericObject. More...
virtual void | setEnabled (bool a_enabled, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disable this object. When an object is disabled, both haptic and graphic rendering no longer occur. More...
bool | getEnabled () const |
| This method returns true if the object is enabled, false otherwise. More...
virtual cGenericObject * | copy (const bool a_duplicateMaterialData=false, const bool a_duplicateTextureData=false, const bool a_duplicateMeshData=false, const bool a_buildCollisionDetector=true) |
| This method creates a copy of itself. More...
virtual void | setLocalPos (const cVector3d &a_localPos) |
| This method sets the local position of this object. More...
void | setLocalPos (const double a_x=0.0, const double a_y=0.0, const double a_z=0.0) |
| This method sets the local position of this object. More...
cVector3d | getLocalPos () const |
| This method returns the local position of this object. More...
cVector3d | getGlobalPos () const |
| This method returns the global position of this object. More...
virtual void | setLocalRot (const cMatrix3d &a_localRot) |
| This method sets the local rotation matrix for this object. More...
cMatrix3d | getLocalRot () const |
| This method returns the local rotation matrix of this object. More...
cMatrix3d | getGlobalRot () const |
| This method returns the global rotation matrix of this object. More...
void | setLocalTransform (const cTransform &a_transform) |
| This method returns the local position and rotation matrix by passing a transformation matrix. More...
cTransform | getLocalTransform () |
| This method returns the local position and rotation matrix in a transformation matrix. More...
cTransform | getGlobalTransform () |
| This method returns the global position and rotation matrix in a transformation matrix. More...
void | translate (const cVector3d &a_translation) |
| This method translates this object by a specified offset. More...
void | translate (const double a_x, const double a_y, const double a_z=0.0) |
| This method translates this object by a specified offset. More...
void | rotateAboutLocalAxisRad (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double a_angleRad) |
| This method rotates this object around a local axis. Angle magnitude is defined in radians. More...
void | rotateAboutLocalAxisDeg (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double a_angleDeg) |
| This method rotates this object around a local axis. Angle magnitude is defined in degrees. More...
void | rotateAboutLocalAxisRad (const double a_axisX, const double a_axisY, const double a_axisZ, const double a_angleRad) |
| This method rotates this object around a local axis. Angle magnitude is defined in radians. More...
void | rotateAboutLocalAxisDeg (const double a_axisX, const double a_axisY, const double a_axisZ, const double a_angleDeg) |
| This method rotates this object around a local axis. Angle magnitude is defined in degrees. More...
void | rotateAboutGlobalAxisRad (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double a_angleRad) |
| This method rotates this object around a global axis. Angle magnitude is defined in radians. More...
void | rotateAboutGlobalAxisDeg (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double a_angleDeg) |
| This method rotates this object around a global axis. Angle magnitude is defined in degrees. More...
void | rotateAboutGlobalAxisRad (const double a_axisX, const double a_axisY, const double a_axisZ, const double a_angleRad) |
| This method rotate this object around a local axis. Angle magnitude is defined in radians. More...
void | rotateAboutGlobalAxisDeg (const double a_axisX, const double a_axisY, const double a_axisZ, const double a_angleDeg) |
| This method rotates this object around a local axis. Angle magnitude is defined in degrees. More...
void | rotateExtrinsicEulerAnglesRad (const double &a_angleRad1, const double &a_angleRad2, const double &a_angleRad3, const cEulerOrder a_eulerOrder) |
| This method rotates this object using fixed Euler representation. Angles are defined in radians. More...
void | rotateExtrinsicEulerAnglesDeg (const double &a_angleDeg1, const double &a_angleDeg2, const double &a_angleDeg3, const cEulerOrder a_eulerOrder) |
| This method rotates this object using fixed Euler representation. Angles are defined in radians. More...
void | rotateIntrinsicEulerAnglesRad (const double &a_angleRad1, const double &a_angleRad2, const double &a_angleRad3, const cEulerOrder a_eulerOrder) |
| This method rotates this object using co-moving Euler representation. Angles are defined in radians. More...
void | rotateIntrinsicEulerAnglesDeg (const double &a_angleDeg1, const double &a_angleDeg2, const double &a_angleDeg3, const cEulerOrder a_eulerOrder) |
| This method rotates this object using co-moving Euler representation. Angles are defined in radians. More...
virtual void | computeGlobalPositions (const bool a_frameOnly=true, const cVector3d &a_globalPos=cVector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), const cMatrix3d &a_globalRot=cIdentity3d()) |
| This method computes the global position and rotation of this object and its children. More...
void | computeGlobalPositionsFromRoot (const bool a_frameOnly=true) |
| This method computes the global position and rotation of current object only. More...
bool | addEffect (cGenericEffect *a_effect) |
| This method adds a haptic effect to this object. More...
bool | removeEffect (cGenericEffect *a_effect) |
| This method removes a haptic effect from this object. More...
void | deleteAllEffects () |
| This method removes all haptic effects. More...
bool | createEffectMagnetic () |
| This method creates a magnetic haptic effect. More...
bool | deleteEffectMagnetic () |
| This method deletes any current magnetic haptic effect. More...
bool | createEffectStickSlip () |
| This method creates a stick-and-slip haptic effect. More...
bool | deleteEffectStickSlip () |
| This method delete any current stick-and-slip haptic effect. More...
bool | createEffectSurface () |
| This method creates a surface haptic effect. More...
bool | deleteEffectSurface () |
| This method deletes any current surface haptic effect. More...
bool | createEffectVibration () |
| This method creates a vibration haptic effect. More...
bool | deleteEffectVibration () |
| This method deletes any current vibration haptic effect. More...
bool | createEffectViscosity () |
| This method creates a viscous haptic effect. More...
bool | deleteEffectViscosity () |
| This method deletes any current viscous haptic effect. More...
virtual void | setHapticEnabled (const bool a_hapticEnabled, const bool a_affectChildren=true) |
| This method enables or disables haptic perception of this object, optionally propagating the change to children. More...
bool | getHapticEnabled () const |
| This method returns the haptic status of object (true means it can be felt when visible). More...
virtual void | setStiffness (const double a_stiffness, const bool a_affectChildren=true) |
| This method sets the haptic stiffness of the object, optionally recursively affecting children. More...
virtual void | setFriction (double a_staticFriction, double a_dynamicFriction, const bool a_affectChildren=true) |
| This method sets the static and dynamic friction properties (polygonal models only), optionally recursively affecting children. More...
virtual void | setShowEnabled (const bool a_show, const bool a_affectChildren=true) |
| This method enables or disables the graphic display of this object, optionally propagating the change to children. More...
bool | getShowEnabled () const |
| This method returns the display status of object (true means it's visible). More...
virtual void | setWireMode (const bool a_showWireMode, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables wireframe rendering, optionally propagating the operation to my children. More...
bool | getWireMode () const |
| This method returns whether wireframe rendering is enabled. More...
virtual void | setUseCulling (const bool a_useCulling, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables face-culling, optionally propagating the operation to my children. More...
bool | getUseCulling () const |
| This method returns true if face-culling is enabled, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | setUseTransparency (const bool a_useTransparency, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables transparency. More...
bool | getUseTransparency () const |
| This method returns true if transparency is enabled, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | setTransparencyLevel (const float a_level, const bool a_applyToVertices=false, const bool a_applyToTextures=false, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method sets the transparency level of the object. More...
virtual void | setUseDisplayList (const bool a_useDisplayList, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enabled or disables the use of a display list for rendering, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
bool | getUseDisplayList () const |
| This method returns true if a display list is activated, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | markForUpdate (const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method invalidates any existing display lists, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
virtual void | setUseVertexColors (const bool a_useColors, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables the use of per-vertex colors, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
bool | getUseVertexColors () const |
| This method returns true is per-vertex color properties are enabled, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | setUseMaterial (const bool a_useMaterial, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables the use of material properties, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
bool | getUseMaterial () const |
| This method returns true is material properties are enabled, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | setMaterial (cMaterialPtr a_material, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method sets the material properties of this object, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
virtual void | setMaterial (cMaterial &a_material, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method setd the material properties of this object, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
virtual void | backupMaterialColors (const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method creates a backup of the material colors of this object, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
virtual void | restoreMaterialColors (const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method restores the material color properties of this object from a previous backup, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
virtual void | setUseTexture (const bool a_useTexture, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables the use of texture-mapping, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
bool | getUseTexture () const |
| This method returns true if texture-mapping is enabled, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | setTexture (cTexture1dPtr a_texture, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method sets a texture to this object, optionally propagating the operation to its children. More...
virtual void | setShaderProgram (cShaderProgramPtr a_shaderProgram, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method assigns a shader program to this object, optionally propagating the operation to its children.. More...
virtual cShaderProgramPtr | getShaderProgram () |
| This method returns a pointer to the current shader program. More...
virtual void | setShowBoundaryBox (const bool a_showBoundaryBox, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disabled the graphic display of the boundary box for this object, optionally propagating the change to its children. More...
bool | getShowBoundaryBox () const |
| This method returns true if the boundary box is being displayed, false otherwise. More...
cVector3d | getBoundaryMin () const |
| This method returns the minimum point of this object's boundary box. More...
cVector3d | getBoundaryMax () const |
| This method returns the maximum point of this object's boundary box. More...
cVector3d | getBoundaryCenter () const |
| This method computes and returns the center of this object's boundary box. More...
bool | getBoundaryBoxEmpty () |
| This method returns true, if the boundary box is empty, otherwise false. More...
virtual void | computeBoundaryBox (const bool a_includeChildren=true) |
| This method computes this object's boundary box, optionally forcing it to bound child objects. More...
virtual void | setShowFrame (const bool a_showFrame, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables the graphic display of the reference frame arrows for this object, optionally propagating the change to its children. More...
bool | getShowFrame (void) const |
| This method returns true if the display of the reference frame is enabled, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | setFrameSize (const double a_size=1.0, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method sets the size of the rendered reference frame, optionally propagating the change to its children. More...
double | getFrameSize () const |
| This method returns the size of the graphical reference frame. More...
void | setCollisionDetector (cGenericCollision *a_collisionDetector) |
| This method sets a collision detector to this current object. More...
cGenericCollision * | getCollisionDetector () const |
| This method returns a pointer to this object's current collision detector. More...
virtual void | deleteCollisionDetector (const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method deletes any existing collision detector. More...
virtual bool | computeCollisionDetection (const cVector3d &a_segmentPointA, const cVector3d &a_segmentPointB, cCollisionRecorder &a_recorder, cCollisionSettings &a_settings) |
| This method computes any collision between a segment and this object. More...
virtual void | setShowCollisionDetector (const bool a_showCollisionDetector, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method enables or disables the display of the collision detector, optionally propagating the change to its children. More...
bool | getShowCollisionDetector () |
| This method returns true if the collision detector is being displayed graphically, false otherwise. More...
virtual void | setCollisionDetectorProperties (unsigned int a_displayDepth, cColorf &a_color, const bool a_affectChildren=false) |
| This method sets the collision detector graphic display properties. More...
void | setParent (cGenericObject *a_parent) |
| This method sets the parent of this object. More...
cGenericObject * | getParent () const |
| This method returns the parent of this object. More...
void | setOwner (cGenericObject *a_owner) |
| This method sets a link to an object that owns this object. This could be a super parent for instance. More...
cGenericObject * | getOwner () |
| This method returns the owner of this object. More...
cGenericObject * | getChild (const unsigned int a_index) const |
| This method returns a selected child from the list of children. More...
bool | addChild (cGenericObject *a_object) |
| This method add an object to the list of children. More...
bool | removeChild (cGenericObject *a_object) |
| This method removes an object from the list of children, without deleting it. More...
bool | removeFromGraph () |
| This method removes this object from its parent's list of children. More...
bool | deleteChild (cGenericObject *a_object) |
| This method removes an object from its list of children and deletes it. More...
void | clearAllChildren () |
| This method clears all objects from its list of children, without deleting them. More...
void | deleteAllChildren () |
| This method clears and delete all objects from its list of children. More...
unsigned int | getNumChildren () |
| This method returns the number of children from its list of children. More...
unsigned int | getNumDescendants (bool a_includeCurrentObject=false) |
| This method returns the total number of descendants, optionally including this object. More...
void | setGhostEnabled (bool a_ghostEnabled) |
| This method enables or disables this object to be a ghost node. More...
bool | getGhostEnabled () |
| This method returns truee if this object is a ghost node. More...
virtual void | scale (const double &a_scaleFactor, const bool a_affectChildren=true) |
| This method scales the size of this object. More...
virtual void | renderSceneGraph (cRenderOptions &a_options) |
| This method renders the entire scene graph, starting from this object. More...
virtual void | adjustCollisionSegment (cVector3d &a_segmentPointA, cVector3d &a_segmentPointAadjusted) |
| This method adjusts the collision segment to handle objects in motion. More...
virtual cVector3d | computeInteractions (const cVector3d &a_toolPos, const cVector3d &a_toolVel, const unsigned int a_IDN, cInteractionRecorder &a_interactions) |
| This method computes all haptic interaction between a tool and this object using the haptic effects. More...
| cGenericType () |
| Constructor of cGenericType. More...
virtual | ~cGenericType () |
| Destructor of cGenericType. More...