| cColorf () |
| Default constructor of cColorf (color defaults to opaque white). More...
| cColorf (const GLfloat a_red, const GLfloat a_green, const GLfloat a_blue, const GLfloat a_alpha=1.0f) |
| Constructor of cColorf. Define a color by passing its RGBA components as arguments. More...
| ~cColorf () |
void | setModificationFlags (const bool a_value) |
| This method is used to mark the color as modified. More...
void | copyTo (cColorf &a_color) |
| This method copies this color to another if it has been marked. More...
void | set (const GLfloat a_red, const GLfloat a_green, const GLfloat a_blue, const GLfloat a_alpha) |
| This method sets the color by passing its RGBA components as GLfloat parameters. More...
void | set (const GLfloat a_red, const GLfloat a_green, const GLfloat a_blue) |
| This method sets the by passing its RGB components as GLfloat parameters. More...
void | setb (const GLubyte a_red, const GLubyte a_green, const GLubyte a_blue, const GLubyte a_alpha) |
| This method sets the color by passing its RGBA components as GLubyte parameters. More...
void | setb (const GLubyte a_red, const GLubyte a_green, const GLubyte a_blue) |
| This method sets the color by passing its RGB components as GLubyte parameters. More...
void | mul (const GLfloat a_scale) |
| This method multiplies each RGB component by a scale factor a_scale passed as argument. More...
void | setMem3 (const GLfloat *a_colorRGB) |
| This method sets the color by copying three GLfloat from an array, each describing one of the RGB components. alpha is set to 1.0. More...
void | setMem4 (const GLfloat *a_colorRGBA) |
| This method sets the color by copying four GLfloat from an array, each describing one of the RGBA components. More...
void | setR (const GLfloat a_red) |
| This method sets the red component. More...
GLfloat | getR () const |
| This method returns the red component. More...
void | setG (const GLfloat a_green) |
| This method sets the green component. More...
GLfloat | getG () const |
| This method returns the green component. More...
void | setB (const GLfloat a_blue) |
| This method sets the blue component. More...
GLfloat | getB () const |
| This method returns the blue component. More...
void | setA (const GLfloat a_alpha) |
| This method sets the alpha component. More...
GLfloat | getA () const |
| This method returns the alpha component. More...
void | setLuminance (const GLfloat a_luminance) |
| This method sets the luminance value of this color. More...
GLfloat | getLuminance () const |
| This method returns the luminance value of this color. More...
void | render () const |
| This method renders this color in OpenGL (sets it to be the current color). More...
const GLfloat * | getData () const |
| This method returns a pointer to the color data. More...
cColorb | getColorb () const |
| This method returns this color, converted to cColorb format. More...
GLfloat | operator[] (const unsigned int n) const |
| This operator returns the n-th component of this color (we provide both const and non-const versions so you can use this operator as an l-value or an r-value). More...
GLfloat & | operator[] (const unsigned int n) |
| This operator returns the n-th component of this color (we provide both const and non-const versions so you can use this operator as an l-value or an r-value). More...
bool | operator== (const cColorf &a_color) |
| This operator compares two colors and returns true if the color components RGB are identical, false otherwise. The transparency component A is ignored. More...
bool | operator!= (const cColorf &a_color) |
| This operator compares two colors and returns false if the color components RGB are identical, true otherwise. The transparency component A is ignored. More...
void | setRedIndian () |
| This method sets the color to Red Indian. More...
void | setRedLightCoral () |
| This method sets the color to Light Coral Red. More...
void | setRedSalmon () |
| This method sets the color to Red Salmon. More...
void | setRedDarkSalmon () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Red Salmon. More...
void | setRedLightSalmon () |
| This method sets the color to Light Red Salmon. More...
void | setRedCrimson () |
| This method sets the color to Red Crimson. More...
void | setRed () |
| This method sets the color to Red. More...
void | setRedFireBrick () |
| This method sets the color to Red Fire Brick. More...
void | setRedDark () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Red. More...
void | setPink () |
| This method sets the color to Pink. More...
void | setPinkLight () |
| This method sets the color to Light Pink. More...
void | setPinkHot () |
| This method sets the color to Hot Pink. More...
void | setPinkDeep () |
| This method sets the color to Deep Pink. More...
void | setPinkMediumVioletRed () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Violet Red. More...
void | setPinkPaleVioletRed () |
| This method sets the color to Pale Violet Red. More...
void | setOrangeLightSalmon () |
| This method sets the color to Orange Light Salmon. More...
void | setOrangeCoral () |
| This method sets the color to Orange Coral. More...
void | setOrangeTomato () |
| This method sets the color to Orange Tomato. More...
void | setOrangeRed () |
| This method sets the color to Orange Red. More...
void | setOrangeDark () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Orange. More...
void | setOrange () |
| This method sets the color to Orange. More...
void | setYellowGold () |
| This method sets the color to Gold. More...
void | setYellow () |
| This method sets the color to Yellow. More...
void | setYellowLight () |
| This method sets the color to Light Yellow. More...
void | setYellowLemonChiffon () |
| This method sets the color to Lemon Chiffon. More...
void | setYellowLightGoldenrod () |
| This method sets the color to Light Goldenrod. More...
void | setYellowPapayaWhip () |
| This method sets the color to Papaya Whip. More...
void | setYellowMoccasin () |
| This method sets the color to Moccasin. More...
void | setYellowPeachPuff () |
| This method sets the color to Peach Puff. More...
void | setYellowPaleGoldenrod () |
| This method sets the color to Pale Goldenrod. More...
void | setYellowKhaki () |
| This method sets the color to Khaki. More...
void | setYellowDarkKhaki () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Khaki. More...
void | setPurpleLavender () |
| This method sets the color to Lavender. More...
void | setPurpleThistle () |
| This method sets the color to Thistle. More...
void | setPurplePlum () |
| This method sets the color to Plum. More...
void | setPurpleViolet () |
| This method sets the color to Violet. More...
void | setPurpleOrchid () |
| This method sets the color to Orchid. More...
void | setPurpleFuchsia () |
| This method sets the color to Fuchsia. More...
void | setPurpleMagenta () |
| This method sets the color to Magenta. More...
void | setPurpleMediumOrchid () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Orchid. More...
void | setPurpleMedium () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Purple. More...
void | setPurpleAmethyst () |
| This method sets the color to Amethyst. More...
void | setPurpleBlueViolet () |
| This method sets the color to Blue Violet. More...
void | setPurpleDarkViolet () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Violet. More...
void | setPurpleDarkOrchid () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Orchid. More...
void | setPurpleDarkMagenta () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Magenta. More...
void | setPurple () |
| This method sets the color to Purple. More...
void | setPurpleIndigo () |
| This method sets the color to Indigo. More...
void | setPurpleSlateBlue () |
| This method sets the color to Slate Blue. More...
void | setPurpleDarkSlateBlue () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Slate Blue. More...
void | setPurpleMediumSlateBlue () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Slate Blue. More...
void | setGreenYellow () |
| This method sets the color to Green Yellow. More...
void | setGreenChartreuse () |
| This method sets the color to Chartreuse. More...
void | setGreenLawn () |
| This method sets the color to Lawn Green. More...
void | setGreenLime () |
| This method sets the color to Lime. More...
void | setGreenLimeGreen () |
| This method sets the color to Lime Green. More...
void | setGreenPale () |
| This method sets the color to Pale Green. More...
void | setGreenLight () |
| This method sets the color to Light Green. More...
void | setGreenMediumSpring () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Spring Green. More...
void | setGreenSpring () |
| This method sets the color to Spring Green. More...
void | setGreenMediumSea () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Sea Green. More...
void | setGreenSea () |
| This method sets the color to Sea Green. More...
void | setGreenForest () |
| This method sets the color to Forest Green. More...
void | setGreen () |
| This method sets the color to Green. More...
void | setGreenDark () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Green. More...
void | setGreenYellowGreen () |
| This method sets the color to Yellow Green. More...
void | setGreenOliveDrab () |
| This method sets the color to Olive Drab. More...
void | setGreenOlive () |
| This method sets the color to Olive. More...
void | setGreenDarkOlive () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Olive Green. More...
void | setGreenMediumAquamarine () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Aquamarine. More...
void | setGreenDarkSea () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Sea Green. More...
void | setGreenLightSea () |
| This method sets the color to Light Sea Green. More...
void | setGreenDarkCyan () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Cyan. More...
void | setGreenTeal () |
| This method sets the color to Teal. More...
void | setBlueAqua () |
| This method sets the color to Aqua. More...
void | setBlueCyan () |
| This method sets the color to Cyan. More...
void | setBlueLightCyan () |
| This method sets the color to Light Cyan. More...
void | setBluePaleTurquoise () |
| This method sets the color to Pale Turquoise. More...
void | setBlueAquamarine () |
| This method sets the color to Aquamarine. More...
void | setBlueTurquoise () |
| This method sets the color to Turquoise. More...
void | setBlueMediumTurquoise () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Turquoise. More...
void | setBlueDarkTurquoise () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Turquoise. More...
void | setBlueCadet () |
| This method sets the color to Cadet Blue. More...
void | setBlueSteel () |
| This method sets the color to Steel Blue. More...
void | setBlueLightSteel () |
| This method sets the color to Light Steel Blue. More...
void | setBluePowder () |
| This method sets the color to Powder Blue. More...
void | setBlueLight () |
| This method sets the color to Light Blue. More...
void | setBlueSky () |
| This method sets the color to Sky Blue. More...
void | setBlueLightSky () |
| This method sets the color to Light Sky Blue. More...
void | setBlueDeepSky () |
| This method sets the color to Deep Sky Blue. More...
void | setBlueDodger () |
| This method sets the color to Doger Blue. More...
void | setBlueCornflower () |
| This method sets the color to Cornflower Blue. More...
void | setBlueMediumSlate () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Slate Blue. More...
void | setBlueRoyal () |
| This method sets the color to Royal Blue. More...
void | setBlue () |
| This method sets the color to Blue. More...
void | setBlueMedium () |
| This method sets the color to Medium Blue. More...
void | setBlueDark () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Blue. More...
void | setBlueNavy () |
| This method sets the color to Navy. More...
void | setBlueMidnight () |
| This method sets the color to Midnight Blue. More...
void | setBrownCornsilk () |
| This method sets the color to Cornsilk. More...
void | setBrownBlanchedAlmond () |
| This method sets the color to Blanched Almond. More...
void | setBrownBisque () |
| This method sets the color to Bisque. More...
void | setBrownNavajoWhite () |
| This method sets the color to Navajo White. More...
void | setBrownWheat () |
| This method sets the color to Wheat. More...
void | setBrownBurlyWood () |
| This method sets the color to Burly Wood. More...
void | setBrownTan () |
| This method sets the color to Tan. More...
void | setBrownRosy () |
| This method sets the color to Rosy Brown. More...
void | setBrownSandy () |
| This method sets the color to Sandy Brown. More...
void | setBrownGoldenrod () |
| This method sets the color to Brown Goldenrod. More...
void | setBrownDarkGoldenrod () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Brown Goldenrod. More...
void | setBrownPeru () |
| This method sets the color to Peru. More...
void | setBrownChocolate () |
| This method sets the color to Chocolate. More...
void | setBrownSaddle () |
| This method sets the color to Saddle Brown. More...
void | setBrownSienna () |
| This method sets the color to Sienna. More...
void | setBrown () |
| This method sets the color to Brown. More...
void | setBrownMaroon () |
| This method sets the color to Maroon. More...
void | setWhite () |
| This method sets the color to White. More...
void | setWhiteSnow () |
| This method sets the color to White Snow. More...
void | setWhiteHoneydew () |
| This method sets the color to Honeydew. More...
void | setWhiteMintCream () |
| This method sets the color to Mint Cream. More...
void | setWhiteAzure () |
| This method sets the color to Azure. More...
void | setWhiteAliceBlue () |
| This method sets the color to Alice Blue. More...
void | setWhiteGhost () |
| This method sets the color to Ghost White. More...
void | setWhiteSmoke () |
| This method sets the color to White Smoke. More...
void | setWhiteSeashell () |
| This method sets the color to Seashell. More...
void | setWhiteBeige () |
| This method sets the color to Beige. More...
void | setWhiteOldLace () |
| This method sets the color to Old Lace. More...
void | setWhiteFloral () |
| This method sets the color to Floral White. More...
void | setWhiteIvory () |
| This method sets the color to Ivory. More...
void | setWhiteAntique () |
| This method sets the color to Antique White. More...
void | setWhiteLinen () |
| This method sets the color to Linen. More...
void | setWhiteLavenderBlush () |
| This method sets the color to Lavender Blush. More...
void | setWhiteMistyRose () |
| This method sets the color to Misty Rose. More...
void | setGrayGainsboro () |
| This method sets the color to Gainsboro. More...
void | setGrayLight () |
| This method sets the color to Light Gray. More...
void | setGraySilver () |
| This method sets the color to Silver. More...
void | setGrayDark () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Gray. More...
void | setGray () |
| This method sets the color to Gray. More...
void | setGrayDim () |
| This method sets the color to Dim Gray. More...
void | setGrayLightSlate () |
| This method sets the color to Light Slate Gray. More...
void | setGraySlate () |
| This method sets the color to Slate Gray. More...
void | setGrayDarkSlate () |
| This method sets the color to Dark Slate Gray. More...
void | setBlack () |
| This method sets the color to Black. More...
void | setGrayLevel (const GLfloat a_level) |