problem with loadFromFile and a variable path
18 Jul 2017 18:36 #1
the problem:
or this is still false:
if i use this is correct:
but i need a variable path T_T.. can you help me?
hello, i was following the example 27-multiframes to learn how to load a multimesh object,but when i try to use the loadFromFile or cLoadFileSTL with a variable path (i sent the path to the console to see if it is correct) it doesn't load the model.
Originally i get the path from a dialog box:
std::string import_File()
OPENFILENAME ofn; // common dialog box structure
char szFile[260]; // buffer for file name
HANDLE hf; // file handle
// Initialize OPENFILENAME
ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn));
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd;
ofn.lpstrFile = szFile;
// Set lpstrFile[0] to '\0' so that GetOpenFileName does not
// use the contents of szFile to initialize itself.
ofn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile);
ofn.lpstrFilter = "obj(*.obj)\0*.obj\0stl(*.stl)\0*.stl\0";
ofn.nFilterIndex = 2;
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
// Display the Open dialog box.
if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)==TRUE)
std::ostringstream ost;
// ost<< szFile;
ost<< ofn.lpstrFile;
std::string s = ost.str();
return s;
return "";
the problem:
std::string file_path;
const char *path=file_path.c_str();
fileload=chai3d::cLoadFileSTL( model,path); gives false
or this is still false:
std::string file_path;
fileload=chai3d::cLoadFileSTL( model,file_path); gives false
if i use this is correct:
std::string file_path="C:/Users/..../Desktop/model.stl";
fileload=chai3d::cLoadFileSTL( model,file_path);
but i need a variable path T_T.. can you help me?
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19 Jul 2017 11:17 #2
The problem wasn't the path itself, but the dialog box that was locking the file; so the solution was adding "CloseHandle(hf);" before "return s;"
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