normal Physics Simulating

19 Feb 2016 20:13 #1

Hi all,

I have being told that chai3d is capable of simulating world to world collisions. I only see it returning the stiffness from the collided object to the tool and not applying the tools force onto that object. Furthermore the cGenericObject doesn't carry A mass variable, nor do I see any mention of things such as gravity etc in the docs. In the example situations that I've seen(most of them) the environment changes are hard coded. Would I be able to use chai3d to simulate A jenga tower or billiards? If so is there an example/docs that I should take A look where chai3d simulates the environment (gravity, normal forces, static friction, dynamic friction, etc) for you.

Thanks :)

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19 Feb 2016 20:27 #2

Support for dynamic objects is provided in the ODE module which can be found in the following directory:


I invite you to checkout the different examples as they will probably help you get started with your development.

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19 Feb 2016 21:08 #3

Your A god thanks.

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